What is Naloxone (Narcan)?
Naloxone is a life-saving medication used to reverse an opioid overdose, including fentanyl, heroin, and prescription opioid medications.
Naloxone can be quickly given through nasal spray (Narcan) in the nose or through an injectable or auto-injector into the outer thigh or another major muscle.
Naloxone is safe and easy to use, works almost immediately, and is not addictive. Naloxone has very few negative effects and has no effect if opioids are not in a person’s system.
Where can I get Naloxone?
We proudly operate three Narcan vending machines throughout Hilo, where individuals can get free Narcan without stigma; the physical locations are below. The machines outside BISAC are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Narcan is also available at our weekly Pop-Ups outside KTA Super Stores islandwide. To find this schedule, visit the Events Page.

300 W. Lanikaula Street
Hilo, HI 96720
BISACs Hulihia Ke Ola Detox Clinic
41 Hōkū Street
Hilo, HI 96720
BISACs Outpatient Facility/Wellness Center
297 Waiānuenue Avenue
Hilo, HI 96720
Through our partnerships with community organizations, we've established hubs to help distribute Naloxone. Hawaiʻi Island is enormous and filled with small rural neighborhoods where a Naloxone vending machine can be overbearing.
The locations below are hubs that help us distribute free Naloxone (Narcan):
North Kohala Community Resource Center
Kohala Resilience Hub
55-514 Hawi Road
Hawi, HI 96719
Tutu's House
64-1032 Mamalahoa Highway, # 304
Kamuela, HI 96743
The Hawaiʻi Health & Harm Reduction Center has spearheaded efforts to place vending machines in various locations throughout the state, helping to strengthen the supply chain and increasing access. To view their statewide Naloxone Vending Machine Tracker, visit www.hhhrc.org/naloxone
How to use Naloxone Nasal Spray
When people experience an opioid overdose, you can restore their breathing and save their lives by giving Naloxone. Below are quick and fast steps on how to administer Naloxone nasal spray accurately. You can find these steps on Naloxone kits.

STEP 1: Check
CHECK for a suspected overdose: the person will not wake up or is very sleepy or not breathing well
Yell “Wake Up!”
Shake the person gently
If the person is not awake, go to step 2

STEP 2: Give Naloxone
GIVE the first dose in the nose
HOLD the nasal spray device with your thumb on the bottom of the plunger
INSERT the nozzle into either NOSTRIL
PRESS the plunger firmly to give the first dose
One nasal spray device contains one dose

STEP 3: Call 911
CALL 911 immediately after giving the first dose

STEP 4: Watch & Give
WAIT 2-3 minutes after the first dose to give the medicine time to work
If the person wakes up, go to step 5
If the person does not wake up:
CONTINUE TO GIVE doses every 2-3 minutes until the person wakes up
it is safe to keep giving doses

STEP 5: Stay
STAY until the ambulance arrives: even if the person wakes up
GIVE another dose if the person becomes very sleepy again
You may need to give all the doses in the pack